Data Science Course Scope | Data Science Jobs

Data Science jobs in India
Given below are the current statistics showing vacancies for data science and related jobs in India.

Check out how you can land into Data Science filed after Data Science Course

Data Science Remunerations
Like it happens in any other field of career, the average salary for data science jobs varies on the basis of skills and experience. Given below is data for an average annual salary for data science and related job roles.

Lack of skilled talent
A recent study conducted by the e-learning platform, Great Learning found that in spite of such heavy demands of Data Science specialists there is a big dearth of skilled talent in the country. In fact, last year itself, around 97,000 positions in the Data Science sector remained vacant as there was a shortage of qualified data science talent.

Though people are becoming aware of it and there is a surge in the number of professionals up-skilling in data science in delhi as well but the rise in relevant data science Courses is still not able to meet the heavy requirements of the sector making data science a lucrative career option especially in Delhi india.

Irrespective of the domain they belong to, organizations are adopting emerging technologies at quite a faster pace to stay ahead of the competition as well as stay relevant in today’s market. And like we talked before, with more & more people going online, vast quantities of data are being generated that if decrypted can provide great insights for businesses. However, to decode the data and mine actionable insights, there is a need for more and more skilled Data Science professionals that makes data science a great sector to launch a career in.

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